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Invitation of Proposal  


A proposal from all teachers and instructors from any technical institution of the country will be open throughout the year in any science and technology discipline related to the core curriculum initially, which is mandatory to be learned by all students of that particular discipline. A project proposal giving details of the proposed model experiment/model may be submitted giving background, motivation and justifications, components/equipment required, methodology showing clear time chart and networking with various departments on various part fabrication/assembly, financial estimates and preferred period to visit and work at NITTTR, Bhopal should be submitted to NITTTR, Bhopal through his institute head confirming sanction of leave to work on the topic if a proposal is selected for development. The ultimate aim should be developing even basic concepts using the latest hardware and interfacing technologies to make original outcomes more realistic and precise as per industry standards of the current time so that students can have a feel from the beginning that all their learning is meaningful if it has relevance to industry/society.

The success of application or selection of proposal will be based on the clarity of the concept along with the clarity of concepts, equations, and theory models to be explained clearly.


Selection of Proposal


On receipt of a proposal, it will be forwarded to a committee of experts for evaluation and comment by Prof I/c CEL. On the last Friday of every month the screening committee constituted by the Director will meet to consider the proposal, which will select/reject or call the faculty for further discussion. The same will be intimated to the proposer electronically/physically, and the mentor from the institute will be assigned from the present panel designated consisting of various disciplines in coordination with the Prof I/c CEL.

The selection of proposals will be based on the availability of specific expertise, equipment, mentors, timeframe, feasibility and relevance of the 


Evaluation criteria: The proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria specified in the call for proposals and those that do not meet the criteria will be rejected.

It's important to note that the selection process will be competitive and not all proposals will be accepted. The expert committee will review and evaluate all of the proposals that are submitted and will select the proposals that best meet the needs of the organization and the target audience.

Workflow and Schedule




Faculty members whose proposal is selected must visit CEL on proposed dates to work on their project first phase and complete the design validation, simulation, and components resourcing in the first week itself.




If all components are available, then work can be completed the same week or next week. If some components are identified which have to be sourced from elsewhere and need more time, then the same can be ordered/resourcing initiated. Faculty members can plan their next visit for the second phase of work once receipt of all those components are confirmed at CEL.




On completion of the project, it will be presented before an evaluation committee which will decide on the merit of the project. If it decides for acceptance / improvement or worth trademarking / patenting, then it will be referred to the IPR team / group of NITTTR, who will take up its intellectual property-related issues.




The completed project will be mapped and documented as topic/s of the discipline with learning outcomes, teaching aid construct and a comprehensive teaching note under the guidance of the assigned mentor / Prof I/c CEL.

In the centre, in addition, as part of direct projects on experiential learning following activities are also planned for on-campus students.

Tinkering: It is the first step in the Experiential Learning Programs continuum. Students pursue self-led, hands-on practice as a precursor to being involved in more significant activities.

Internships: Students are eligible to earn academic credit for internships and co-ops that may fulfil degree requirements. The process for receiving academic credit varies by department.

Senior Design/ Design thinking training module: This training module will be developed in which seniors work in groups to tackle an engineering design problem, and design thinking modules will be explored for outcome-oriented design institutions.


